The Morning Prayer

Prayer in the morning is essential to combatting potential spiritual warfare attacks throughout the day and addressing judgments/verdicts pronounced on one throughout the night.


Only say these prayers if you’re ready to fully commit your life to God and are willing to conquer your eternity. Holydoves is not responsible for any adverse reactions to prayers. This is a deliverance prayer and is capable of having manifestations. Scrolling past this disclaimer and proceeding means one is in agreement to have possible reactions that are coherent to deliverance. 

Luke 11:24-46 KJV

Keyword Bank: These are a few of the spirits that take people captive daily. Use at your own discretion. Some lines of the prayer may need to be repeated depending on the amount of deliverance. Underlined words = replaceable with keywords. 

  1. I speak perfect health into my ability to be kind, honorable, respectful and obedient to God’s will in Yeshua’s name. 
  2. Father Yahweh, I ask you to reveal all my blindspots, thoughts, and pathways to thoughts so that I may be convicted into following your will in a greater capacity in Yeshua’s name. 
  3. Father Yahweh, I ask you to reveal all my hidden iniquity, so I can be purged from all my sin by your grace in Yeshua’s name.
  4. May I grow astronomically in God’s will with each passing millisecond in Yeshua’s name.
  5. I speak that all of what setback, delay, hindrance, and unfruitfulness took from me is now being restored, reversed and replenished in Yeshua’s name.
  6. I restore my humility, gracefulness, love, and discipline back to their original health in Yeshua’s name.
  7. I claim the deliverance of all frustration, anger, disappointment, meanness, pride and arrogance in Yeshua’s name.
  8. May my diligence, perseverance, endurance, strength and life force energy be returned to perfect health in Yeshua’s name. I know Yahweh, the Father, is the only one and true God and that he can restore my obedience and humility back into perfect health the way he designed it in Yeshua’s name.
  9. I repent for all wicked thought processes, imaginations, and disobedience known and unknown that led to the disruption of harmony in my flesh, soul, spirit, cells, tissue and organs. 
  10. I restore my grace, forgiveness, and mercifulness to their original form by the power of the Holy Spirit.
  11.  I claim a supernatural healing of all bad/wicked thought processes, opinions, belief systems, and pathways to thinking in Yeshua’s name.
  12. I reverse all actions of setback, delay and hinderance in the name of Yeshua. I loose all backwardness and backsliding spirits from my body and command my cells to operate normally.
  13.  I reverse all abnormal cell behavior, emotional behaviors, emotional reactions and chemical reactions to their original behavior in the name of Yeshua. I speak fire and brimstone into all camps of the enemy that were planted into my clarity of mind, discipline, strength and life-force energy in Yeshua’s name. 
  14. In the name of Yeshua, I command all camps of the enemy on my brain cells, neurons, and neurotransmitters and all other disruptions from immorality and impurity to get out of my body in Yeshua’s name.
  15. In Yeshua’s name, I speak perfect health into my ability to follow God’s will, desires and thought processes in Yeshua’s name. I claim that my thought processes, belief systems, speech patterns, pathways of thinking are being renewed in Yeshua’s name. 
  16. I release my willpower, wants, desires, needs, impulses and adrenaline from all soul ties of the adversary in Yeshua’s name.
  17. I repent for all sins committed knowingly and unknowingly in Yeshua’s name. 
  18. I renounce all activities and strongholds the enemy had on my wants, desires, needs, cells, tissues, and organs due to immorality. I claim that Yeshua is my Lord and Savior and that my desires are a reflection of the health in his Kingdom of light. 
  19. I light all camps of the enemy on fire that been keeping me from perfect discipline, kindness, honor, respect, authority in the spirit, ability to receive blessings, ability to follow God’s will in strong obedience, perfect comfort in God’s will, and all attributes of my mind, flesh, body and soul that God wants to restore to perfection in Yeshua’s name. 
  20. I command all related spirits that are connected to any neuron, neurotransmitter dysfunction, blood cell dysfunction, all mental dysfunction to be removed in Yeshua’s name and go to wherever the Holy Spirit sends you in Yeshua’s name. 
  21. I claim full health in my ability to follow God’s will in Yeshua’s name. I know that no vaccine, nor physician is the TRUE healer, but Yahweh-Rapha my healer is THE healer. 
  22. I speak that my discipline, haste to growing in God’s will, and diligence in growing in God’s will, will function perfectly in the way God designed in Yeshua’s name. 
  23. I claim a FULL healing and deliverance from all self-exaltation, extolling my own counsel above others, pride and arrogance in Yeshua’s name. 
  24. I claim that my ability to understand God’s will, will function even better than before in Yeshua’s name. 
  25. I repent for all indecent thoughts, immorality, and wickedness and denounce all soul ties related to the disruption of harmony in my flesh, soul, spirit, cells, tissues and organs. 
  26. I speak that I have FULL faith that Yeshua can restore my discipline, obedience, and kindness to their original design in Yeshua’s name. 
  27. May the living waters and blood of Yeshua cleanse and flow through my finances, ability to retrieve my God assigned inheritance, my thought processes and speech patterns as well as all cells, tissues, and organs in Yeshua’s name. 
  28. Abraham was declared righteous by his acts of faith. I claim that my prayers to Yahweh to heal my thought processes, belief systems, and humility to their original health is my act of faith and that he can fully restore me to perfect health. I claim that God can heal me and provide for me just like he did Abraham. 
  29. I speak that my behavior in Christ will function perfectly for my spouse in Yeshua’s name. 
  30. I divorce all spiritual husbands and wives that have been married/attached due to immorality, laziness, slotfulness, tiredness, discontentment, setback, delay, hindrance, non-achievement, failure at the edge of breakthrough, backsliding, backwardness, unfruitfulness, meanness, anger, pride and arrogance which led to the malfunctioning of my flesh, soul, and spirit. 
  31. I file a bill of divorce from all discouragement, disappointment, spiritual laziness, prayerlessness, disobedience, lack spirits, poverty, condescending spirits, spirits hidden in my subconscious, as well as all blood issues. 
  32. I file a counter report that blocks the enemy from making any claims that I should stay in this condition in Yeshua’s name. 
  33. In Yeshua’s name, and in the authority of Yeshua, the enemy is no longer able to file a claim over my star, destiny, purpose, and God-ordained inheritance, nor my ability to flourish and prosper in God’s will, as well as all cells, tissues and organs in Yeshua’s name. 
  34. I claim that the enemy is being swept out of my ability to hastily grow in God’s will and all of my thought processes by the broom of destruction in Yeshua’s name.
  35. May all the ways the enemy entered my body, be the way it leaves out in Yeshua’s name. 
  36. May the enemy no longer be able to rely on my relationships, finances, ability to grow in God’s will for tormenting purposes in Yeshua’s name.  
  37. In Yeshua’s name I command all spiritual children of spirits previously mentioned, as well as all unfruitfulness, and false perspectives to come out in Yeshua’s name. I loose all previous mentioned names. I bind all previous mentioned names and command them to go wherever the Holy Spirit demands in Yeshua’s name.
  38. In Yeshua’s name, my body, flesh, soul, and spirit are returning to perfect health doublefold in Yeshua’s name. In Yeshua’s name, my body is being fully restored to the virginity of Christ from all soul ties, spiritual ties and malevolent ties in Yeshua’s name. 
  39. I speak that I will no longer have the same problems as yesterday and I will be restored by God in Yeshua’s name. 
  40. All blockages, veils and ways of the enemy in the form of tattoos, jewelry, amulets, technological imprints and attachments preventing my body from being healed are removed by the power of the Holy Spirit. 
  41. I speak that my healing is a reflection of me being a new creation in Christ and that my wants, desires, needs, and impulses no longer reflect the lusts of my old nature in Yeshua’s name. 
  42. In the Messiah he chose us in love before the creation of the universe to be holy and without defect in his presence. (Ephesians 1:4) Therefore in the Messiah, my thought processes, speech patterns, and overall wellbeing now resemble the holiness and lack of defect that God has chosen to give the children he loves. 
  43. For you have been delivered by grace through trusting, and even this is not your accomplishment but God’s gift. (Ephesians 2:8 CJB)
  44. According to John 15 KJV, every branch in Yeshua that bears no fruit the Father takes away: and every branch that bears fruit, the Father purges, so that it may bring forth more fruit. May I continually bear greater fruit through Yeshua for the Father than I did yesterday in Yeshua’s name. 
  45. Warfare: I scatter and plan of the enemy to reorganize in any part of my body in Yeshua’s name. I decree and declare that no power will hinder my testimony in Yeshua’s name. I seal every gateway, doorway, passageway, and method of entry to my mind, flesh, soul and spirit with the blood of Yeshua and heavenly gold. I reverse all attacks the enemy planned, assigned, reassigned, or scheduled against me throughout the day in Yeshua’s name. May every attack the enemy plans for my demise be an attack for their own demise in Yeshua’s name. May the locusts of God swallow up every thought process, pathway, and plan of the enemy to attack me throughout the day in Yeshua’s name. I command the fiery serpents and scorpions of the Lord to attack every camp of the enemy assigned to me throughout the day to the point where the enemy is too overwhelmed and discouraged to fight against me in Yeshua’s name. I send extreme confusion and delusion of the Lord to every camp of the enemy, every altar, every spirit that has an assigned or reassignment against me. I send extreme memory loss to every camp of the enemy assigned to block me from following God’s will in the capacity necessary in Yeshua’s name. I send the fire, thunder, and lightning of the Lord to strike down every altar, thought process and method of attack against me throughout the day perpetually. May every attack of the enemy against me throughout the day fail perpetually in Yeshua’s name. May no attack of the enemy have any chance of being prosperous in Yeshua’s name. 
  46. I thank the Lord God, Yeshua Hamashiach, for my full deliverance and give all glory to the power of God that envelops all of his children. I speak the highest thanks and love into my God and thank him for delivering me and setting me free instantly from all harm and aches in my body in Yeshua’s name. Thank you God, Adonai, my first love, my warrior, my rock for always healing and loving me in Yeshua’s name. You have done so much for me and I am always grateful to know you and claim you as my deliverer and Savior. I will sing you praises forever and ever. Thank you God for healing me in Yeshua’s name. 
  47. I seal these prayers in every timeline, realm, age, and dimension, past present, future, to infinity. In Yeshua’s name, Amen. 

This prayer is also VERY helpful. I use it every morning along with the prayer above. 

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