The Perfect Thought Process, Revealed by God (Biblically proven and confirmed: EXTREMELY Powerful Revelation) 


Holy Doves

By the end of this article, if you meditate on its entirety, the Holy Spirit, God-willing will reveal to you the perfect thought process of peace that WILL transform your life forever

Key terms:

Revelation– the divine or supernatural disclosure to humans of something relating to human existence or the world.

Salvation– preservation or deliverance from harm, ruin, or loss; from sin and its consequences

Sin– an immoral act considered to be a transgression against divine law, a supernaturally kindled fire

Iniquity– immoral or grossly unfair behavior, impropriety, inherited wickedness + burning of sin

Soul– mind, will, emotions

Spirit– words, matter, breathe, life, psyche

Spiritual law– divine law of the Lord ordained from the beginning


To understand the beauty, majesty and perfection (greatest gift) of salvation, we must refer to God’s original (FLAWLESS) design for humans of immortality (Wisdom of Solomon 2:23 KJVAAE) in the Garden of Eden, starting with wisdom who was before all works, knows all works, and is the determining factor of intimacy with God and knowledge of the PERFECT thought process. 

Words from the Spirit (being) of Wisdom:

“The Lord possessed me in the beginning of his way, BEFORE his works of old. I was set up from everlasting, from the beginning or the earth ever was.” Proverbs 8:22-23 KJVAAE

“And wisdom was with thee: which knoweth thy works, and was present when thou madest the world, and knew what was acceptable in thy sight, and right in thy commandments.” – Wisdom of Solomon 9 KJVAAE 

“The works of the Lord are done in judgment from the beginning: and from the time he made them he disposed the parts thereof.” Ecclesiasticus 16:26 KJVAAE

“For praise shall be uttered in wisdom, and the Lord will prosper it.”Ecclesiasticus 15:10  KJVAAE

Key to remember:

“If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to ALL men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.” James 1:5 KJVAAE

“For wisdom, which is the worker of all things…” Wisdom of Solomon 7:22 KJVAAE 

“She is with ALL flesh according to his gift, and he hath given her to them that love him.” Ecclesiasticus 1:10 KJVAAE

“The Lord hath not given power to the saints to declare ALL his marvelous works…” Ecclesiasticus 42:17 KJVAAE 


Wisdom knows all things, and God freely gives wisdom to those who seek out his laws. However, no man will know her perfectly, but it is CRUCIAL to know her to have any knowledge at all because she IS the understanding of the fear of God. 

“The word of God most high is the fountain of wisdom; and her ways are everlasting commandments.” Ecclesiasticus 1:5 KJVAAE 

The Benefits of Wisdom Summarized:

(derived from various verses)

  • Honor
  • Truth
  • Discipline
  • Wise Counsel
  • Righteousness
  • Durable riches
  • Health (strength)
  • Life (Yeshua) 
  • Paths of Peace/Pleasantness 
  • Protection 
  • Knowledge of witty inventions (God’s works)
  • The Blessing of God 
  • The Favor of God
  • The Love of God  

The Garden of Eden 

Garden (def.)- a rich well-cultivated region

Eden (def.)- delicacy, PARADISE, pleasure, heaven

Garden of Eden = place/enclosure of pleasure

God’s design for Garden of Eden:

(The First Book of Adam and Eve)

  • Wisdom (understanding, discernment/reasonable soul)
    • Chapter LVI 6 or to create within you a reasonable soul, as I created for you
      • Reasonable Soul = Salvation (deliverance) from spiritual warfare
  • Gold = Wealth Genesis 2:11 KJVAAE
  • Man and Woman (support, connection, communication) 
  • No desire to eat/drink
    • (no excessive/brutish desire)
  • No sleep
    • (no need to regenerate)
  • Bright Nature
    • Chapter LI 5 “This is he who was hidden in the serpent, and who deceived you, and stripped you of the garment of light and glory in which you were.
  • Continuous interaction with angels
    • Chapter LVI 3 Yet, if you had submitted, and been obedient to Me, and had kept My Word, you would be with My angels in My garden.”
  • Large fruit
    • Chapter XLI  2 And the weight of each fig was that of a water-melon; for the fruit of the garden was much larger than the fruit of this land*.
  • Grace 
  • Dominion over animals
    • Chapter XXXIV 9 “O God, You made them obedient to me, and ordered that not one of them break from my sway, according to Your commandment, and to the dominion which You had given me over them. But now they are all estranged from me.”
  • Rank/Reverence in the Kingdom 
    • At first, angels trembled at the presence of Adam and were afraid of him. But now Adam trembled before the angels and was afraid of them. Chapter XXXVI 5
    • For when I was in my former bright nature, then I could see you. I sang praises as you do; and my heart was far above you. Chapter LV 3
    • And now I have come to this, that I cannot see you, and you do not serve me like you used to do. Chapter LV 4 
    • Chapter XXIII 6 For when we were in the garden our praises and our hymns went up before you without ceasing.

Departure from the Garden of Eden:

  • Lack of sweet thoughts
  • Departure from wealth (gold in the garden)
  • Lack of discernment and counsel (WISDOM)
  • Downcast feelings
  • Darkness (Bright nature left)
  • Unceasing Praise was taken away

First Book of Adam and Eve Chapter XXIII:7

After the transgression of law concerning the forbidden fruit:

“But when we came into this strange land, pure praise was no longer ours, nor righteous prayer, nor understanding hearts, nor sweet thoughts, nor just counsels, nor long discernment, nor upright feelings, neither is our bright nature left us.”

The Recompense of the Lord:

Praise is not seemly in the mouth of a sinner, for it was not sent him of the Lord. Ecclesiasticus 15:9 KJVAAE


Once God took Adam and Eve out of the Garden of Eden (ascension: light), he brung them below to the Cave of Treasures (darkness). This mirrors how the soul when not meditating in the Word of God is subject to the captivity of those of the burning fire below (Satan’s dominion: Marine Kingdom) at their will (2 Timothy 2:26 KJV).

The instructions to continually pray according to the original human design are in the Old and New Testament meaning this is what God rewards and expects of all who seek wisdom and allow their mind to be renewed to purity through meekness

New Testament 

1 Thessalonians 5:17- 18 KJVAAE

Pray without ceasing. 

In EVERY thing give thanks, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you. 

Luke 21:36 KJV

Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.

Ephesians 6:17-18 KJVAAE

And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God: praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit… 

Old Testament (describing one who is blessed of God)

Psalm 1:2-3 KJVAAE

But his delight is in the law of the Lord; and in his law doth he meditate day and night. 

And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper. 

The angels, the most pure, incorrupt beings, who are closest to God sing his praises nonstop.  (Wisdom of Solomon 6:19-20 KJVAAE)

Revelation 4:6-8 KJVAAE

“And in the midst of the throne, and round about the throne, were four beasts full of eyes before and behind. And the first beast was like a lion, and the second beast like a calf, and the third beast had a face as a man, and the fourth beast was like a flying eagle. And the four beasts had each of them six wings about him; and they were full of eyes within: and they rest not day and night, saying HOLY, HOLY, HOLY, LORD GOD ALMIGHTY, which was, and is to come.”

The 24 elders who also sat on the throne surrounding God and worship him forever also consistently praise and worship him in Revelation. (Revelation 4:10-11 KJVAAE)

Enoch was taken up into the spirit because of his diligence in wisdom and perfect heart for God. He consistently blessed God and ministered for many years.  

Unceasing prayer, meditation in laws = closer to God 

Book of Enoch (Enoch explaining his vision)

Chapter XXXIX:10- 12

10. For a long time my eyes regarded that place, and I blessed Him and praised Him, saying: ‘Blessed is He and may He be blessed from the beginning and for evermore.

11. And before Him there is no ceasing. He knows before the world was created what is forever and what will be from generation unto generation.

12. Those who sleep not bless Thee: they stand before Thy glory and bless, praise, and extol, saying, “Holv, holy, holy, is the Lord of Spirits. He filleth the earth with spirits.”

The Effect of Unceasing Praise of God

“For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.” ‭‭Hebrews‬ ‭4‬:‭12‬ ‭KJVAAE‬‬

When you unceasingly praise God or meditate on his laws, which are sent from him (Wisdom of Solomon 7:16 KJVAAE) and received as the Word of God to the body, it reveals the origin (whether from an evil spirit, the flesh, soul fragment or some other source) and intention of a thought process so that one is no longer overcome by the devices of the enemy. 

When consistently meditating on the word of God, the mind/body is being cleansed and the heart is being continually made perfect for God.

Pleasant words are healing to the body (Proverbs 16:24 KJVAAE). Imagine how much healing through trust (Ephesians 2:8 CJB) you’re receiving by reciting the perfect (proven) thought process from generation to generation. 

Notice also how Adam’s heart was ranked above the angels when he was singing praises and had “sweet” thoughts consistently…

When one is unceasingly meditating on the Word of God through praise (what the angels who are the CLOSEST in proximity to God do) or meditating on the law, they are also “casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ” (2 Corinthians 10: 5 KJVAAE).

God is a King and to rule his Kingdom in peace, he rewards those who follow Divine Law through praise and worship, and cast down those who want to be worshiped (Proverbs 25:27 KJVAAE, Ecclesiasticus 6:2 KJVAAE).

If one continually follows the original perfect design (and the command) of God to pray without ceasing as in the Garden of Eden, the New Testament AND Old testament, AND the Book of Enoch, and meditating in his laws (also mentioned in the Testaments of the 12 Patriarchs) they will easily receive deliverance because they’re defeating their thoughts with the most peaceful thought process invented. 

Another example revealing the perfect thought process to cast down all wicked imaginations against this article:

The Children of Seth 

The Second Book of Adam and Eve: Chap XI.

4 But because of their own purity, they were named “Children of God,” and they were with God, instead of the hosts of angels who fell; for they continued in praises to God, and in singing psalms unto Him, in their cave the Cave of Treasures.

6 But Seth and his children did not like earthly work, but gave themselves to heavenly things; for they had no other thought than praises, doxologies, and psalms unto God. 

7 Therefore did they at all times hear the voices of angels, praising and glorifying God; from within the garden, or when they were sent by God on an errand, or when they were going up to heaven.

 8 For Seth and his children, by reason of their own purity, heard and saw those angels.

12 They were happy, innocent, without sudden fear, there was no jealousy, no evil action, no hatred among them. There was no animal passion; from no mouth among them went forth either foul words or curse; neither evil counsel nor fraud. For the men of that time never swore, but under hard circumstances, when men must swear, they swore by the blood of Abel the just.

Traits (salvation) coming from perfect praise/meditation^^^^

Don’t Miss This: 

Notice how Adam was given the law, then remained in praise/sweet thoughts. The children of Seth were passed down the law, then were in praise. So, one must have the LAW, then praise ALONG with the law. One cannot do without the other.

The Absence of Unceasing Praise of God

Satan informs Adam of how often and persistent warfare is: 

First Book of Adam and Eve : Chapter LVII 10 

“For as to our home, O Adam, it is in burning fire; and we will not stop our evil doing, no, not one day nor one hour.”

God rewards his saints who pray without ceasing with protection from the enemy who is unceasingly, every minute of the day, attempting to reside in the thoughts of all, seeking one’s downfall. The first sin was the wrong thought… (Proverbs 24:9 KJVAAE)

Sin first happens in feeling/thought, then action.

Praying without ceasing will help one to receive what GOD has decided is evil, versus what they believe due to their inherited iniquity (which we ALL have received.)

Commands given by wisdom in the bible are two-fold, meaning if one DOESN’T unceasingly pray, they ARE being attacked, without a doubt. Father Yah has given us all power to tread on serpents and scorpions (Luke 10:19 KJVAAE), and that power comes from the tongue. (Luke 4:32, Luke 10:17, Proverbs 18 :21 KJV). So, if one ISN’T using the power of their tongue in the spirit…they’re basically losing to the war in their members (James 4:1 KJV) by a landslide…not even a chance.

Follow us on instagram and pinterest to learn how to WAR in the spirit.

Vain conversation, thoughts, and belief systems are all wicked to Father Yah. The mind can be led to salvation through God’s mercy and grace, with spiritual sacrifices of silence and repentance.


7 For true repentance after a godly sort [destroyeth ignorance, and] driveth away the darkness, and 8 enlighteneth the eyes, and giveth knowledge to the soul, and leadeth the mind to salvation.

Silence also leads a human to salvation (through God’s grace), because iniquity is revealed through speech. (Lamentations 3:36-39 KJV) (Proverbs 16:6 KJV)


1 if ye keep silence in purity of heart, ye shall understand how to hold 2 fast the will of God, and to cast away the will of Beliar.

Isaiah 6:6-7 KJVAAE

“Then flew one of the seraphim unto me, having a live coal in his hand, which he had taken with the tongs from off the altar: and he laid it upon my mouth, and said, Lo, this hath touched thy lips; and thine iniquity is taken away, and thy sin purged.”

1 Peter 1:28 KJVAAE

“Forasmuch as ye know that ye were not redeemed with corruptible things, as silver and gold, from your vain conversation.”

Some more evidence of iniquity (from speech) revealed:

Psalm 36:3 KJVAAE , Psalm 64:2 KJVAAE, James 3:6 KJVAAE, Proverbs 22:8 KJV, Ecclesiasticus 19:6 KJVAAE, Psalm 119:133 KJVAAE, Proverbs 16:27 KJV

The world was created through God, so the visible reality we’re experiencing through his judgments/works are a result of the words we’ve repeated from our unawareness or knowledge of his works that come through wisdom. 

Great news: He gives mercy to those who seek his judgments. Ecclesiasticus 18:14 KJVAAE

How the Perfect Thought Process Works:

  • Example: Praise
    • One meditates repetitively:
      • All praise to the Most High
      • All praise to the Most High

In the midst of this praise (throughout the day), they hear “I don’t think this project will be successful because people don’t like you,” amongst other thoughts. The Holy Spirit corrects people in a spirit of wisdom (James 3:17 KJVAAE). So, now this person knows by revelation (God-willing) of the Holy Spirit that they’ve encountered the spirit(s) of doubt, discouragement and possibly self-sabotage (or others to the deliverance experts). 

  • Example: Law of God
    • One meditates repetitively:
      • Honor and shame is in talk. 
      • Honor and shame is in talk. 
      • “See how they didn’t text you, because they’re not really into you.”
      • Honor and shame is in talk. 

The spirit(s) of insecurity, doubt, neglect, accusation, and some others just took a punch right into someone’s happy mood to fill them with sorrow and heaviness which saddens the countenance and is an overall attack on one’s health and mental state. 

(Sidenote: The spirits mentioned are usually associated with those thoughts, but all thoughts are not limited to spirits named with typical emotions.) 

  • Example: Psalm 1:1
    • Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly
    • *insatiable need to speak to someone*
    • Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly
    • *insatiable urge for someone to understand your perspective*

Due to that insatiable urge, one may seek an unprofitable longterm relationship (with someone that isn’t in God’s perfect will for them) that sets them back in consciousness 3-5 years. However, using the biblically proven process of perfect thinking, they are now able to identify those thoughts aren’t godly (through revelation), and require deliverance, or the spirits might literally leave when you’re continuously chanting.

  • Example: Warfare Chant (Let’s say you’re in a restaurant eating food with your mother)
    • I speak the perfect health into my kindness, obedience, and respect towards my mother in Yeshua’s name. 
    • I speak the perfect health…
    • “Why is she chewing like that?” – Iniquity 

There is only life and death in speech and thought. The thought could be from a few of these options (or something else) : 

  • Iniquity from how the family spoke towards each other
  • A spirit of meanness/criticism/judgment/dishonor (or others) trying to gain legality with agreement
  • The flesh etc. 

Vital to remember: 

Praising and meditating doesn’t ALWAYS replace deliverance. Some spirits may need to be called out directly. However, meditating on the law AND praising CAN (through God’s grace) direct one to the exact spirit(s) tormenting them which makes the deliverance process WAY more efficient.

Praise and meditation on the law CAN work as deliverance (as it was salvation for the Children of Seth). It WILL for an absolute reveal the vain conversation passed down from ancestors. 

Praises to God are healing AND revealing. (Proverbs 16:24 KJVAAE)

The Devil’s Capabilities: 

The devil is able to rob the virtues of anyone at any time (Proverbs 21:7 KJVAAE) and his actions are only discernible through examining our actions in comparison to God’s commands of proper behavior which is why meditating on (ALL) his laws and praise will quite literally, SAVE YOUR LIFE. 

What he can steal/(hide) and what HAS been stolen/(hidden) from MANY people (unconsciously)

  • Ability to have a loving relationship (friendship, family, romantic)
  • Finances (the will to retrieve finances) : Poverty is a curse of the heart… a talk for another day
  • Belief
  • Willpower
  • Hair Growth (YES, HAIR GROWTH)
  • One’s ability to receive blessings of God through :doubt, discouragement, self-sabotage, laziness: laziness is a spirit, meanness, anger, ETC.

Now I will not have you uninformed nor unprepared, sistren and brethren, the renewal of your mind into the laws of God will feel absolutely fantastic and be the greatest feeling you’ve ever experienced in your life, BUT you will have to fight the good fight that will lead you to eternal peace and IMMORTALITY (Ecclesiasticus 4:17-19 KJVAAE)


Amongst all our works, God’s grace is the ONLY thing that can save us, but having no works means our faith is dead.

“Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.
‭‭Matthew‬ ‭7‬:‭21‬-‭23‬ ‭KJVAAE‬‬

If we’re designed to pray without ceasing, and we don’t pray, then is the mind still praying? Who is it praying to? Anger? Malice? Lust? Hate? Jealousy? Vanity?

If one doesn’t pray against the fire, they enter into it.

Steps to Achieve PERFECT thought process (Given God’s will/Holy Spirit Guidance):

  1. Pick a hymn, psalm, verse or form of praise (provided by Holy Spirit) and repeat it in your mind UNCEASINGLY
    • just like your favorite song; the Children of Seth did it and the prophets closest to God
  2. Wait for God to reveal iniquity through humility (foremost) and obedience 


Doing these biblically proven practices has healed me in unexplainable, supernatural ways. God indeed has unfathomable blessings stored up for those who follow him and I have been a partaker. He has healed MANY parts of my flesh that I didn’t know needed healing and he’s still doing it, DAILY. I experience his supernatural presence throughout the day as a whirlwind, a TANGIBLE whirlwind : (Proverbs 10:25). He is the same God and will reveal himself to anyone who BELIEVES. If you’ve even reached this testimony, that means God is trying to reach YOU specifically because there are no coincidences, only his works : Mishlei (Proverbs) 20:24 CJB, Yirmeyahu (Jeremiah) 10:23 CJB, Wisdom of Solomon 11:25 KJVAAE). 

I hope you answer the calling! May God bless you double, triple and sevenfold and guide you into his grace and mercy. Shalom! 

For more edification:


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