Warfare Prayer for Relationships

This prayer can be used for any relationship (marriage, friendship, family etc.)

  1. Father, I ask you to open a door and give me the key for revelation to restore and heal my relationship with ____________ in Yeshua’s name.
  2. Father, I ask you to open a door and give me the key to becoming completely kind, honorable and respectful towards ______________ in Yeshua’s name.
  3. I curse every spirit causing enmity between _____________ and I with failure from the Lord in Yeshua’s name.
  4. I decree and declare every mission of the enemy to cause enmity between _____________ and I has failed miserably in Yeshua’s name. 
  5. I command every spirit causing enmity between ____________ and I to leave in Yeshua’s name.
  6. I send fire and brimstone to all camps of capriciousness, disrespect, impudence, wormwood, dishonor and unkindness towards _______________ in Yeshua’s name.
  7. I repent for all acts of dishonor, meanness, hardheartedness, anger, frustration, irritation, contention, manipulation (witchcraft), bitterness, all gossip, double-tongued behavior and backbiting against ____________ in Yeshua’s name. I repent for all evil thoughts and complaints I’ve agreed with concerning ____________ in Yeshua’s name.
  8. I curse every spirit of guile and deceit speaking against _____________ with failure from the Lord in Yeshua’s name.
  9. I curse every spirit trying to find offense against ___________ with failure from the Lord in Yeshua’s name. I curse every spirit that gets offended and/or triggered by ___________’s voice with failure from the Lord in Yeshua’s name. I curse every vengeful and wrathful spirit that conjures imaginations of vengeance against ______________ with failure from the Lord in Yeshua’s name. I curse all self exaltation and spirits that extol my counsel against ______________ with failure from the Lord in Yeshua’s name. All spirits that cause indifference and apathy to ______________, I curse with failure from the Lord in Yeshua’s name.
  10. I command every spirit using images and the voice of _____________ to create false scenarios and vain imaginations of offense, jealousy, covetousness or any other malicious spirit to get out of my body in Yeshua’s name. I command all spirits that complain about the actions and behaviors of _____________ to get out of my body in Yeshua’s name. All spirits that become irritated by the voice and thoughts of ___________, be blown away and destroyed by the whirlwind of the Lord and the broom of destruction in Yeshua’s name.
  11. I command all previous mentioned spirits to leave my body and go wherever the Holy spirit demands in Yeshua’s name. 
  12. I disarm every camp of the enemy, all monarchs, lieutenants, captains and armies built for enmity between my __________and I in Yeshua’s name. 
  13. All spiritual children that resulted from enmity between __________and I, die by fire and the whirlwind of the Lord in Yeshua’s name. 
  14. I destroy and remove all jewelry, amulets, tattoos, technological imprints and methods of attachment, all ways of the enemy used to prevent me from healing completely from all enmity between _____________ and I in Yeshua’s name. 
  15. I file a bill of divorce from every spirit of disobedience, rebellion in the form of unkindness towards ____________, (insert name of spirits), and from all spirits that work to cause enmity between __________ and I in Yeshua’s name. 
  16. I file a counter report that blocks the enemy from making any claims that I should stay in this condition in Yeshua’s name. 
  17. I overturn all verdicts that cause enmity between ___________ and I in Yeshua’s name. 
  18. I send a tempest and pestilence of the Lord to completely overwhelm every camp of the enemy assigned to cause enmity between ________________ and I in Yeshua’s name.
  19. I curse every evil recall spirit of ____________’s past sins, sins against me, mistakes or hard conversations with ___________ with failure from the Lord in Yeshua’s name.
  20. I curse every evil and distorted perspective of _____________ with failure from the Lord in Yeshua’s name.
  21. May I execute proper judgment of the Lord when interacting with _____________ in Yeshua’s name.
  22. I ask Father Yahweh to pour the spirit of judgment in the largest capacity possible for me to execute proper judgment and righteousness towards ________________ in Yeshua’s name.
  23. I release forgiveness towards _____________ in Yeshua’s name. 
  24. I repent for all witchcraft and manipulation I engaged in with my speech and actions towards ___________ in Yeshua’s name.
  25. May the relationship between ______________ and I be completely restored by the power of God in Yeshua’s name.
  26. I ask Father Yahweh to lighten my eyes so that I view ______________ from his perspective in Yeshua’s name.
  27. I send the voice, breath and nostrils of God to overwhelm all evil voices that speak against ____________ in Yeshua’s name.
  28. May the sword of the spirit slice all parts of my personality for me to distinguish all hiding places of the enemy in Yeshua’s name. May the light and heat of the Lord visit every enemy hiding in my personality and expose all voices that aren’t mine in Yeshua’s name. I decree and declare all voices of the enemy in my mind will be exposed in Yeshua’s name. 
  29. May all parts of my mind and soul be fully enveloped with the mind of Christ in Yeshua’s name.
  30. May I give God the glory in the way I treat _____________ in Yeshua’s name.
  31. Father, in your word it says all of wisdom’s ways are pleasant and peaceful. Father, I ask you to bestow me wisdom and her ways to restore my relationship with ____________ in Yeshua’s name.
  32. May my actions towards _______________ reflect the decisions and perspective of Christ in Yeshua’s name.
  33. I decree and declare that I will have a peaceful relationship with _______________ in Yeshua’s name. 
  34. I ask Father Yahweh to completely purge all parts of my flesh, soul and spirit from all enmity with _____________ in Yeshua’s name.
  35. Thank you Father for revealing your righteousness. May I grow in obedience and favor of your will in Yeshua’s name. Glory to your name Father. Amen.

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